REUNION, soundclip
REUNION                  GABY DEN HELD   

Reencounter in Diepenheim

On a sunny day in May, Dorian Pots arrived at a hotel just outside Diepenheim in the Dutch region of Twente. After he had installed himself in his room, he decided to take a brisk walk to this tiny medieval town where he had an appointment at four. He was three quarters of an hour early and settled on the terrace of cafe Boonk. A few minutes later, the silence was interrupted by the click clack of approaching heels. He looked up and saw a tall figure dressed in a bright blue dotted dress. A rugged diva firmly walked on the terrace and seated herself, two tables away. Grey curls framed a harsh make-up spackled phiz. Dorian’s gaze attached to hers. She looked questioningly, followed by a surprised smile. Her fiery red mouth fell a little open. Then she cried with booming voice:
‘Sir! Don’t I know you from somewhere?’
A dark memory seeped slowly inside and stuck to the tentacles of his consciousness like syrup. 
Good heavens! Now he knew who was that eccentric. Titus Balkenhol. The tease from his school days. Dorian wanted to pick up his heels, but instead he heard his robot answering:
‘We went school together.’
‘Really? What’s your name?,’ asked Titus.
‘Dorian ...’
‘Pots! Dorian Pots! How could I forget? Now I see it! Come here dude, sit with me!'
Dorian's former tormentor seized a waitress and ordered two beer.
‘To the good old days!’ Titus said and chinked his glass against his.
‘To the good old days', Dorian echoed. His sarcasm wasn’t noticed by Titus.

The Abogix J.K. - A dream within a dream